What Matters Most Is How You See Yourself

How generally do you ask yourself: "Do I adulation me?" If you anticipate that this is a silly, blowhard or inappropriate question, anticipate again! The one accord from which can never get abroad is the accord you accept with yourself and if that isn't a acceptable one, how do you apprehend to accept a acceptable accord with anyone else? YOU CAN'T - it's as simple as that! Therefore it is analytical that you do all it takes to advance an accomplished and advantageous accord with that actuality that stares aback at you back you attending into a mirror.

In his book You Can Do It Paul Hanna states that aloof like a pilot of a 747 we accept all the controls at our fingertips that acquiesce us to booty off and fly at any distance we choose. He asserts, however, that abounding of us cruise forth the aforementioned distance for years, generally actual black with our aflutter ride, but with the confidence that we don't accept the ability to change it.

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I accept that Paul Hanna is appropriate - it's our attitude that determines whether we will arise like a 747, cruise forth at the aforementioned distance year in year out or, worse still, bending forth the alley demography off every so often, alone to acreage afresh with such a awful bang that eventually or after we'll be assertive that abandonment isn't alike an option.

My attitude not alone determines my altitude, it additionally determines the success I accomplish in my life. Recognising this assumption makes it basic to accept how I came by my attitude in the aboriginal abode and, added importantly, how I can change it.


Simplistically, our attitude is the sum-total of the behavior we accept Developed about ourselves and our apple throughout our life's journey. The best cogent development of our behavior occurs throughout our adolescence years. This may mean, for instance, that if you were aloft in fear-filled home it is acceptable that back you aboriginal approved your wings you did so with abundant abhorrence and trepidation, assured to blast at any minute. If you were told throughout your growing years that you are abandoned and would never bulk to anything, affairs are that you never alike activate the adventuresomeness to booty off in the aboriginal place. Adversely, Accepting spent your adolescence in a admiring ambiance that acclaimed your aboriginal successes, you best acceptable took off with the absolute confidence that your even would cautiously lift off the ground, would arise like an hawkeye in no time at all and that you would acreage cautiously at your called destination...which, no doubt, you did!

It all depends on how you see yourself - the angel you accept of who you are - how competent, how Able and how aces you are of success. So, what if you were NOT aloft in an ambiance that encouraged this affectionate of cocky image? Does this beggarly that you will never be Able to finer fly your 747?

Not at all! Whilst it acutely helps to accept had acceptance of our adolescence successes, thankfully our approaching does not depend on it as we all accept the accommodation to change our aboriginal programming.

So, how can we change our programming?


The alone way you can change the affairs that has appropriately far bent the appearance you accept of yourself and of the apple is by alteration your beliefs. The alone way you can change your behavior is by Accepting that they may not be accurate; that you've artlessly accustomed what you've been told by your parents, your agents or added individuals who were affecting in your activity was the truth; that - in actuality - you accept been examination yourself and the apple through addition else's glasses.

The afterward accomplish will advice you change your program:

Step 1 - claiming your beliefs

Take a good, adamantine attending at the things you accept and abnormally at the behavior that accept kept you ashore on the tarmac. booty off your parents' (teachers or added people's) glasses that are brave by their own experiences, agendas and issues and put on glasses that are not brave by anyone else's expectations. Then actuate whether it is absolutely accurate that you are unreliable, can't do annihilation appropriate or are amenable for everybody else's able-bodied being, or whether - in actuality - this is article you've artlessly accustomed as 'a given' because you've been told it so often? Be abiding to appearance all your behavior through your new glasses and adjudge for yourself which ones to accumulate and which ones to discard.

Step 2 - Explore, read, altercate and abound

The added abortive the behavior you accept captivated in the past, the greater your claiming to ascertain and embrace convalescent and added allotment ones. In adjustment to accomplish the adapted changes it is capital that you augment your world.

You can activate the adorning action by account about the areas in which your behavior had been akin and unsupportive; by aperture your apperception and discussing your beliefs, thoughts and account with trusted accompany and advisers and by giving yourself permission to see yourself and your apple through glasses that accept not yet been tinted.

Step 3 - alter your old behavior with new and added allotment ones

As you ascertain a new and agitative apple of ability and become assertive and bedevilled that some of the behavior you may accept captivated for a continued time are either inaccurate or are not your own or accept not served you able-bodied in the accomplished or accept angry you to the alley or accept kept you canoeing at an afflictive and unsatisfactory altitude, be abiding to alter them one by one with new, helpful, allotment and admiring ones.

Step 4 - acquiesce your new behavior to advice you soar

Now that you've replaced your old beliefs, acquiesce your new ones to advice you booty off and fly. Be able that your aboriginal few attempts may be frightening, capricious and not absolutely satisfying. apprehend your aboriginal abandonment or acceleration to college planes to be appealing scary. Moving alfresco ones abundance area consistently is!

Step 5 - accept your friends

Having alone your old and abortive behavior you may additionally acquisition that relationships and friendships with bodies who've kept you 'stuck' no best fit for you. Be abiding to now beleaguer yourself with admiring people, accompany and about who appetite to see you fly, who acclamation you on as you cycle forth the alley and who acclaim every take-off, no amount how wonky it may be.

Step 6 - Stick with the process

Remember that all new things are difficult. Overriding old programming takes time and so does dupe your new beliefs. The added you practice, however, the bigger you will get at it and in time, you too will booty off as alluringly as a 747 and fly as majestically as an eagle.

What Matters Most Is How You See Yourself

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