Lacrosse - What to Eat on Game Day

Let's alpha with the 3 canicule afore the big tournament! bistro appropriate on bold day is not abreast enough! If you appetite to comedy 2-4 amateur in a day... bethink that debris in agency debris out! If you eat junk, you'll comedy aloof that way! You charge to alpha carb loading and hydrating 3 canicule afore the big day!


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For the purposes of this article, a confined of a protein, bake-apple or vegetable is the admeasurement of one's fist.


By this I beggarly authentic protein: fish, eggs (remove yolk), turkey, chicken, pork or angular beef. Peanut adulate does not count.


During this time, absolute your fats to what is inherent to your food. Eat no absurd aliment until your clash is over. You may eat a pat of adulate on your accomplished aureate toast, BUT: eat no hydrogenated fat- not margarine, peanut butter*, absurd or accolade that accept alike "partially hydrogenated" oils in them. These types of fats sit like carrion in your veins. They apathetic you bottomward and blemish your oxygen accustomed capacity. This agency you will be slower, and get out of animation added than you would accept otherwise.

*Peanut adulate is one of the better sources of hydrogenated fats in the American diet. best of it is aloof drip with peanut flavor! The alone affectionate you should anytime eat is the Laura Scudder's type; aloof burst atom and salt. If you alone like the added kind, again accord it up altogether!

Raw Nuts:

I echo RAW nuts. I acceptable mix of raw basics (even in a aisle mix) is accessible to acquisition at Trader Joe's! Bring a big zip lock bag in your bag to the tournament! Great for snacking! Eat alone a scattering at a time... at most, 2 handfuls/hour.

Sugar and White flour:

Both of these are abbreviate alternation carbohydrates/simple carbs. They aftereffect in quick energy, and a apathetic of activity Afterwards as your claret amoroso plummets. Eat accomplished aureate pasta, bread, abstain amoroso during this time. No white bread.

Processed Food:

I accept not begin abundant candy aliment that was not brimming abounding of hydrogenated fat, white abrade and sugar. So break abroad from it. Eat accomplished foods. Real food, as beeline from the apple as you can.

*Peanut adulate is one of the better sources of hydrogenated fats in the American diet. best of it is aloof drip with peanut flavor! The alone affectionate you should anytime eat is the Laura Scudder's type; aloof burst atom and salt. If you alone like the added kind, again accord it up altogether!

Day - 3

3servings of protein: one at anniversary meal.

3-4> servings of fruit: eat at commons or snacks.

3-4 servings of vegetables today. Try to eat them raw, but you can hardly baker your veggies.

Salt your food, but not heavily.

Eat accomplished aureate articles if you are bistro them, and eat amber rice instead of white.

6 glasses of baptize today.

Day - 2

3 servings of protein: one at anniversary meal.

3-4 servings of fruit: eat at commons or snacks.

3-4 servings of vegetables today. Try to eat them raw, but you can hardly baker your veggies.

Eat a ample bloom with dinner.

Salt your food, but not heavily.

Eat accomplished aureate articles if you are bistro them, and eat amber rice instead of white.

6 glasses of baptize today.

Day - 1 this is the day afore the comedy day.

3 servings of protein: one at anniversary meal.

3-4 servings of fruit: eat at commons or snacks.

3-4 servings of vegetables today. Try to eat them raw, but you can hardly baker your veggies.

Eat a ample bloom with dinner, and pasta or amber rice.

Salt your food, but not heavily.

Eat accomplished aureate articles if you are bistro them, and eat amber rice instead of white.

6 glasses of baptize today.

Morning of:

Wake up at atomic 2 hours afore you play.

Drink article balmy so you can go to the bath afore you play. This will advice you feel lighter and be faster on your feet.

I alcohol a cup of coffee or 2 because it helps activate chargeless blubbery acids, this axis up your fat afire machine, and abbreviation the glycogen used... you'll charge all you can get!

Eat 2-3 eggs... I abolish all the whites but one.

Drink a cup of juice

Eat Oatmeal or 2 pieces of accomplished aureate acknowledgment (one pat of adulate only)

Bring a allotment of bake-apple for in amid every game, additional some raw nuts. OR:

2- 3 activity bars- ones with protein in them... antithesis confined or such.

Drink baptize this morning!

Lunch/Game day:

Nothing fried, No hot dogs. Eat a sandwich and a allotment of fruit.
Water! If we are at a tournament, and you accept any questions at ALL about what you should be or not be eating, do NOT alternate to ask. aloof be accessible for the answer. You ability not apprehend what you were acquisitive for!

Lacrosse - What to Eat on Game Day

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