Triathlon Bike 101 - Getting Started

I met with one of my new triathlon audience afresh and noticed 7 things during a quick 5 account analysis of his triathlon bike (this was afterwards I begged him to accompany his bike to one of his bathe training sessions). Hopefully you can apprentice from these 7 issues:

1. basal triathlon bike maintenance. The aboriginal affair I noticed was his alternation - it was rusty. Six drops of alternation bless could accept prevented this rust. Beginner triathletes generally apperceive little about basal bike maintenance. The alternation should be bankrupt aback bedraggled and lubricated. Your bounded bike boutique can accord you some abundant suggestions about charwoman solutions and lubricants you can use on your triathlon bike.

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2. Brakes rubbing. The additional affair I noticed was his advanced anchor was abrading the wheel. This was mainly due to the actuality that the bike was transported apart in the aback of a auto truck. The aboriginal aphorism is to defended your bike if you are accustomed it in your agent (a elastic mat if it charge lay collapsed in the car - a bike arbor is better). Second, consistently analysis your brakes afore you alpha your ride (especially if you accept to booty your auto off to carriage the bike). You can analysis this by captivation the caster off the arena and spinning it hard. If there is a botheration the caster will not circuit advisedly - you will feel beating in the anatomy or apprehend a rub, and the caster will apathetic down. If the anchor is abrading analysis to see if the caster was put on accurately (you can additionally acclimatize the anchor accumulation hardly by hand). If the brakes are still abrading you appetite to accept a bike boutique analysis to see if your caster rim is angled and needs to be trued.

3. Saddle bag supplies. His saddle bag food were the following: corpuscle buzz and keys. Not good. accomplish abiding you accept at atomic one additional tube of the actual admeasurement (you can acquisition the admeasurement on the sidewall of your bike tires), annoy levers, some accumulation of air (either a CO2 armament or a bike pump), and a few bucks. added acceptable things to accede are a tube adjustment kit and a hex bend set. The corpuscle buzz and identification are additionally a acceptable idea.

4. Eye protection. He didn't accept a brace of sunglasses or added eye protection. It is acute to accept your eyes protected, not aloof from the sun but from a 50 mph bedrock or insect. Not alone can these account discomfort, but they can advance to a bones with addition cyclist or alike worse a vehicle. This is aloof as important as a bike helmet (you've got your bike helmet right?)

5. annoy pressure. His annoy burden was about bisected the recommended pressure. analysis the sidewall of your annoy - it will accord you the recommended burden range. Get a nice attic pump with a burden barometer so you can ample your tires appropriately afore you ride. appropriately abounding tires actualize beneath rolling attrition - and let you ride faster with beneath effort. But be accurate not to charge your annoy - that is addition acceptable way to get a flat.

6. apprentice how to fix a flat. Please don't be one of those triathletes whose collapsed adjustment kit is a corpuscle buzz (and you will get a flat). Watch the video aloft area I appearance you the able way to fix a bike flat.

7. Look, accept and feel. We've gone over what to attending for, but while benumbed the bike accomplish abiding to accept for creaks, ancestor and abrading noises. If you apprehend or feel annihilation like this pay abutting attention. These are cinch clues that there is article wrong. Most of the time these are things that can be calmly anchored by your bounded bike shop. But larboard abandoned they could apathetic you bottomward and eventually may account article to break.

I formed at a bike boutique in St. Louis aback I was in college. It is important to acquisition a adjustment boutique you can trust. Ask bodies in your bounded bike club for recommendations. Don't accept that the bike is accessible to go aback you get it home. Double-check the accomplished bike to accomplish abiding aggregate works and is anchored up. Once you acquisition a acceptable bike shop, booty your bike in consistently for a action and all-embracing check. You will get a ton of afar and amusement (okay, maybe amusement is too strong...) out of a well-maintained triathlon bike.

Triathlon Bike 101 - Getting Started

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